This page last changed on Oct 14, 2004 by ebrown-munoz.

Source for RTT Interactives

This release was quickly put together in response
to a request for source code. We are releasing the code
as open source and it is licensed under the GNU LGPL.
However, we have not yet developed a clean process to
create source releases.

We plan to create a cleaner release in the
near future.

If you have any questions, please email Eric Brown-Munoz

(You will find a link to a zip file for this release in the Attachments
section below.)


The jar files needed to run the interactives
are already in RTTApplets/lib. You should
be able to run them (if you are reading this

1) Change directory to RTTApplets/lib

2) Type "java -jar qgrapher.jar" (or replace "qgrapher"
with the name of any other jar file in this directory.

3) These jar files can also be referenced from an <APPLET/> tag
in HTML. You can find Sample HTML files with the correct
<APPLET/> tags in RTTApplets/html.


This release is managed by an Apache Ant. You can
download this build utility from

After you install it you can:

1) Change directory in RTTApplets Directory.

2) type "ant rttall" to build the Interactives. The
resulting jar (and class) files are placed in the "lib"
directory. (application/zip)
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:51